Saturday, March 20, 2010


I remember as a child how hard it was when Fast Sunday came around. Even though I always fasted, I don't think I really understood the importance until my mission. We wanted to be like Alma in Alma 17:3 and fasted with purpose to find people to teach. It was an amazing day. The Spirit really helped us teach with power. Ever since then I have felt differently about it. Fasting will always be hard, but I never fast without a purpose. The hardness is the sacrifice.

I have tried to teach our children to always fast with purpose, not just starving. They have impressed me with their desire to try to fast 24 hours. The other day, Katelyn said that she was fasting for Dad and that his burdens would be lightened as a Bishop. Then she wrote him a letter on Monday with 3 encouraging quotes. It was such a heartfelt fast. Her plan was to write him more letters this week. It always makes me happy when I know my children have the Spirit guiding them.

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