Guess who is potty trained? Yes Olivia Janet Jones and proud of it. I was just explaining to my children today how you have no shame when you're potty training you give rewards, high fives, hugs and big praise to every little accomplishment. Olivia thinks that she is pretty much the coolest kid around and why not. About two weeks ago at age 3 1/2 Olivia was not showing any signs of readiness. I decided to give it a try anyway. After a grueling week, in which I dreaded every day, it seemed like it was only by chance that she did anything. So, by Saturday I just decided that she may not be ready and hoped that her primary teachers were OK with it. So we took a break on Sunday. Then Monday I just decided to have her wear her diaper and let me know when she wanted to go with a fruit snack as a reward. After one or two more weeks (I must have blocked it out because I can't remember) she is completely done and I mean through the night. I am not getting too excited because recurrences do happen, so I've been told, but I don't care. I almost can't believe it. Olivia wants to go to the potty. Then I give her a rock for her jar, and say "Olivia you are so awesome!" Then she says, "Thanks Mom." like she knows how amazing she is. Oh and she is! By the way the shirt she is wearing is from when I was little.
Yes! Oops. Just kidding!
I think you need a dog now.
Way to go to all of you! That stage of life is always good to be over with.
Good job Olivia!!! That is an exciting time! And, hooray for you and no more diapers!!!!
She is amazing! -Megan
Can you believe it...no diapers! When was the last time that happened at your house. You've just entered a new phase. YaHooo!
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