Sunday, May 31, 2015

Best Last Day of School Field Trip Ever!

 So Olivia wanted me to come to one of her end of the year field trips. I asked her, "Do you want me to go to the movie or bowling?" She chose bowling. So, I showed up and was assigned to watch two lanes of kids.  We punched their names in and away they went.  You would think this would be complicated for them or hard for a teacher, but it was probably the best field trip I've ever been to with my kids over the years. I will explain why. 
1.  They just had the kids wear their socks.  Why didn't I think of that.
 2.  The bumper pads set the kids up for success.  It seemed like the worst, most wild bowlers did the best.  Just a little help for the underdog. 
 3.  Not only did they get exercise from bowling, but think of all the dance moves people could have when they get a good  bowl or a bad bowl.  This is the disappointed dance.
 This is the victory dance.
 This is the" I'm so cool," dance.
 4. The boys  move just as much as the girls, but it came out more like a drop to the floor after they bowled.  I couldn't tell if it was out of exhaustion, lack of coordination, or just an excuse to be dramatic. 
My personal favorite was this kid that just slid all the way across the floor back toward the chairs after each bowl.  That in itself would be enough for me.  It looked pretty fun.

5.  It helps with unity.  I'm not sure why, but friends would come up to support each other while bowling.  I think adult leagues could learn a lot by supporting each other.  It may be taken as intimidation, but it's worth a try. 
6.  It became a dance party whether they scored or not.
 7. The kids didn't need or want any training or instruction.  They just got that ball moving down the alley and the bumper pads made anything possible.  Spares and strikes were nothing to them.
8. The teacher informed me that they were really antsy after the movie field trip.  She counted on them being plenty tired after bowling.  They bowled for two hours straight. I don't see how they could be anything else. 
 9.  They could be as loud as they wanted because you couldn't hear anyone over the bowling noise.
 10.  They didn't ask for food because they brought their own lunches.
11. Lastly, I got to be with my favorite third grader and her friends.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

I Want to Be a Scientist

At Olivia's kindergarten graduation in  May of 2012 we learned what she wanted to be when she grew up. 

She and another kid decided that they wanted to be scientists.  I'm not sure where she got that idea, but it was cute and creative.  Things can change from age 5 to age 20 right? 

Three of her friends and 6 total wanted to be veterinarians.  There were teachers, doctors, cowboys, mothers, soldiers, chefs, etc.
They had a great program singing together dressed as their future selves.
I guess that you can graduate as long as you know what you are going to be. 
Congratulations Olivia, you did it
I had completely forgotten that she wanted to be a scientist, then the other day in May 2015 she said ,"Mom I want to be a scientist," while she is carrying this cup full of fizzy, blue something.  I said,"What's in it?" She replied, "It has syrup, water, salt, dish soap, baking soda, food coloring and vinegar." Then I asked, "So what does it do? " Does a scientist have to have purpose other than mixing concoctions?  She hadn't thought of that.  Let's see, "So there is a fluffy part of it that you play with. The other part makes a dye." Scientists are quick thinkers. "Oh ok."
Maybe she will be a scientist after all.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

BYU Graduation May 2015

With Two of my nephews graduating in May, I decided to make the trip to see them. 

Jacob Stoker was graduating and so was Trevor Johnson

Isla was great for entertainment.

Trevor was asked to sing a musical number that was incredible.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Sports for Nat

Natalie is one of those girls that loves everything and I mean everything.  Two years ago when this basketball team started, they were all rookies.  The score was 2-30 and they were 2.  Then they all got used to it and learned some skills from their awesome coach Cheri and now they get to be the 30 sometimes.  They have grown a lot and some of them have grown taller a lot.  They are really a good little team.

Volleyball actually came first.  Natalie always thinks the sport she is playing is her favorite sport.  She has another awesome coach, Shayla.  I hope they stay together as long as they can.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Growing Up!

When Jeff and I first got first met at BYU, I had served a mission and was about ready to graduate with my Bachelors majoring in Elementary Education.  I had done a lot in those few, short years.  When you are living your life it doesn't  seem that crazy, it's your life.  But, when I  think about how slow time went when I was between 12-16 and how boring my life was,  then all of a sudden I graduated from high school and anything could have happened.  Life could change drastically any minute, which is kind of how the rest of life gets to be.  That also becomes the norm.  I got married June 19th 1991 and now this June will be 24 years.  So I guess I shouldn't be surprised that in 2 weeks two nephews could graduate from BYU and a week later A neice and a nephew would get married two days apart.  Even Katelyn going on a mission was a big change.  When kids leave home everyone says, "It will never be the same." Meaning your family will change forever.  Although this is true, it doesn't necessarily have to be bad.  Change is how we grow.  I do love how Kate has grown and how Anna got to be the oldest.  I like it how Anna was brave and went off to College and how Kyle took his place as the oldest.  Then they are all home again and it's great.  We haven't had anything too big, but we are getting ready for the roller coaster ride.  I can't believe I am here and I'm nervous and excited for what comes next. 
Amanda, my sister Susie's daughter got  married to Ben Whitchurch.  She met him in Salt Lake City or there abouts and they are starting their life together.
Abigail just came home from a mission to Carlsbad, California and is now going to BYUI
Here's the rest of the gang.  Amy on the far right has three kids of her own.  Trevor on top just graduated from BYU.  Polly is still at the Y and the little girls aren't so little anymore.  Gwen will be a Senior next year and Blair I guess is still little, but a young woman.
Here's how they used to look. Left to right. Top:Polly, Paul, Susie  Bottom: Abigail, Amy, Amanda and Trevor. 
It was a lovely day.  Then two days later, Tyler, my sister Melinda's son got married to Maddie MCconnell.  Tyler was presented with a kilt from the MCconnell clan and was welcomed into the family.

Here's Tyler and his sisters and brothers and his soon to be wife Maddie.Left to right:  Rachel, Tess, Tyler, Maddie, Erin, Matt, Katherine, Jed, and Ashley, who also got married last year on the same day.
This is how they used to look.  Left to right:  Ashley, Katherine, Tyler, Rachel and Tess.  Me in the back expecting Katelyn.

Outside of Brigham City Temple Mary, Melinda and Megan

This is how we used to look pictured below left to right: Mary, Laurie and Melinda. To the right is Mary, Laurie, Susie and Megan.

This last picture is me after my mission and Megan in high school I think.