Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pomegranite Pie

I know you've never heard of it unless you know my Dad. His property has many pomegranate trees. Normally when we go to California in November we bring home a box of pomegranates. Since they were selling at Albertsons two for $7.00, I feel pretty lucky to have them. This year we just missed the season. My Dad had a few left, so every day we ate pomegranate pie. This is how you make it. You shuck the pomegranate seeds into a bucket of water, so you don't stain your clothes. You bake a pie crust. Mix pomegranates with strawberry glaze. Fill the shell and top with cool whip. At first you are surprised by the sour sweet flavor, but then you start to crave it. We ate it every day I was there. I won't taste it again until next Thanksgiving, unless I decided to pay $3.00 for one pomegranate. I think I'll wait.

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