Monday, June 29, 2009

Life is uncertain, eat dessert first.

Jeff's family has a tradition that after school is out they go out for ice cream. Since I married into the family right after school was out we got to go to the formerly Leatherby's We all ordered child size sundaes (one scoop with one topping). They were so huge that almost all of us had to take half home for later. We didn't have a camera then, but got another chance when the Mcdonald cousins came. It was still huge, but not as big as the first time. I guess it depends on the scooper.

This is their sad face as they are waiting for the sundaes.
 Mint Chip with Caramel sauce and a Sherbet Cone

 Kristen got the famous caramel topping that is divine and drips off of the plate.

Kyle always gets playdough with Marshmallow sauce.

Jones plus three, Austin, Amber and Alex.


Anonymous said...

Fun Tradition!

Tina said...

We have this traditionas well :) First day of school treat is donuts when they get home and last day is ice cream :) I almost forgot this year and the boys had a fit...

Amberly said...

Now I want to eat ice cream! I love that tradition!!

Megan and Charlie Miller said...

It looks like they had a ton of fun with the ice cream. You gotta love traditions.
Thanks so much Mary for letting us stay with you. We really had a good time. You are a wonderful hostess. :)
BTW I Love yours and Heidi Jo's bangs. I am jealous.

Unknown said...

I am starting a tradition that when I get out of bed I get to go to Leatherby's for a DOUBLE scoop. That ALMOST makes me want to get out of bed!!!