So do you remember that crazy snow storm in April that came out of nowhere and dumped a ton of snow. Well, Kyle was trying to make a snow cave with the snow blower and ended up with this snow track instead. So Jeff being the fun guy that he is decided to organize a Winter Olympics for Family Night. Here are the teams, the Gray and the Red. It actually makes me smile thinking about it because it was so fun. The first event was the Snow cone Relay. Each person had to run around the track and fill the cup with snow, then add food coloring and hand it off to the next teammate. That's how we ended up with our beautiful snow cones.

The next event was the Snowman relay. Each teammate made a different part of the snowman while running around the track.
You can see that we staged this one. Anna had a triumphant win as we witnessed Kristen's crushing disappointment. Ha Ha

Next was the Ice Baton Relay. Jeff was trying to teach everyone how to have a good hand off. Sadly ,if your baton broke, which most of them did, you had to go back. This made it anyone's game.
The next event was the Snow Throw. You fill your pvc pipe up with snow and fling it as far as you can. It's a little trickier than you might imagine.
Last but not least was the hardest event of all. It was only for the diehards. You had to race barefooted on the snow track. Kristen and Nat braved it, but the most intense race was Jeff and Annalisa. You can see who won. Everyone who entered this race deserved a prize.
Thanks Jeff for being so fun and making us a little happier when the snow falls and it shouldn't.