Well this is Katelyn here and I am writing some bad news for my Mom. She had a miscarriage this week. Yeah, not fun at all! Please pass it on to friends and family. We just wanted all of you to know. Hope your Christmas is fun!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Mary's Expecting?
What am I expecting? A baby, July 23, 2009. I know it is shocking and exciting and crazy and enchanting. Did I just say enchanting? Well it will be after I am done feeling icky, yucky, and blah. I thought I'd start by answering a few commonly asked questions. Was it a surprise? A big yes. We thought we were done, but not positive. So, we are happy to say that this is a very pleasant surprise, like I said, as soon as I don't feel blah, blah blah.
Are we hoping for a boy? No. We don't even go there. The first thought I had when I found out, was the dread of Kyle hoping for a boy. One time he said that he was going to lock himself in his room for a long time. We discussed how stinky he would get, so he didn't do it. The next time we found out he was OK with having a girl, but asked if we could adopt a boy. He was serious. This time he asked me if we were going to find out what we were having. I said, "Kyle I find out for you." He said you don't have to find out if you don't want to." So I think he either has given up hope or he really doesn't care. I probably will find out anyway, but I am one of those people that loves a surprise. Either one is fine with us.
Am I looking thick? Yes probably 1 day after my pants got tight. I was like," This biking machine is really bulking up my thighs." That was before I knew. Now I have no clothes that fit. Well I do have this black turtleneck sweater that I wear to everything. It's not because it's my favorite. I also have a couple of fat jeans. You know what I mean. It's hard to invest in a wardrobe that is only lasting for 6 months. I guess I do have a good pair of sweats and some nice neighbors who didn't get rid if their maternity clothes.
Do, I have that glow? I couldn't say, I can only hope.
Do I still have my calling as Stake Camp Director? I'm not sure. Our stake split and we are in a new stake. So, I'm kind of released because I am in a newly formed stake with most of our old stake.
Am I boring now? Yes, pregnancy always makes me boring because I don't feel like doing anything for a while and I try to be fun, but "Hey, I'm old."
Have I gotten some great reactions? Yes. I have to admit this has been the most fun surprise that I have told as far as I can remember because most people thought I was done. And I used to brag about my age because I have lived and I know something now. Now I am not bragging about my age anymore because then people are like, " What are you doing?" Don't worry it will be OK. How old do you think I am? It's OK you can make a real guess. I won't be offended.
Thank you all for your great responses. We are feeling blessed. When I started this journey with Jeff 17years, 6 months, and 4 days ago, there was a time that I wasn't sure if I would have children. Then I was wondering if one child would be our family. So, for us to have 6 children and seven on the way is a miracle. Even though it's hard and frustrating sometimes I am so thankful to be a mother of such strong, excellent children. I hope I can be what they need and am thankful for the chance.
Megan Liston wins the prize for the best response. Right when I was gearing up for mixed reactions, she said as she is dancing around the room with excitement. "I'm always so sad when people say they are done because the magic is gone. The magic is back." Thanks Megan. Thanks everyone for being so supportive and good to me.
Are we hoping for a boy? No. We don't even go there. The first thought I had when I found out, was the dread of Kyle hoping for a boy. One time he said that he was going to lock himself in his room for a long time. We discussed how stinky he would get, so he didn't do it. The next time we found out he was OK with having a girl, but asked if we could adopt a boy. He was serious. This time he asked me if we were going to find out what we were having. I said, "Kyle I find out for you." He said you don't have to find out if you don't want to." So I think he either has given up hope or he really doesn't care. I probably will find out anyway, but I am one of those people that loves a surprise. Either one is fine with us.
Am I looking thick? Yes probably 1 day after my pants got tight. I was like," This biking machine is really bulking up my thighs." That was before I knew. Now I have no clothes that fit. Well I do have this black turtleneck sweater that I wear to everything. It's not because it's my favorite. I also have a couple of fat jeans. You know what I mean. It's hard to invest in a wardrobe that is only lasting for 6 months. I guess I do have a good pair of sweats and some nice neighbors who didn't get rid if their maternity clothes.
Do, I have that glow? I couldn't say, I can only hope.
Do I still have my calling as Stake Camp Director? I'm not sure. Our stake split and we are in a new stake. So, I'm kind of released because I am in a newly formed stake with most of our old stake.
Am I boring now? Yes, pregnancy always makes me boring because I don't feel like doing anything for a while and I try to be fun, but "Hey, I'm old."
Have I gotten some great reactions? Yes. I have to admit this has been the most fun surprise that I have told as far as I can remember because most people thought I was done. And I used to brag about my age because I have lived and I know something now. Now I am not bragging about my age anymore because then people are like, " What are you doing?" Don't worry it will be OK. How old do you think I am? It's OK you can make a real guess. I won't be offended.
Thank you all for your great responses. We are feeling blessed. When I started this journey with Jeff 17years, 6 months, and 4 days ago, there was a time that I wasn't sure if I would have children. Then I was wondering if one child would be our family. So, for us to have 6 children and seven on the way is a miracle. Even though it's hard and frustrating sometimes I am so thankful to be a mother of such strong, excellent children. I hope I can be what they need and am thankful for the chance.
Megan Liston wins the prize for the best response. Right when I was gearing up for mixed reactions, she said as she is dancing around the room with excitement. "I'm always so sad when people say they are done because the magic is gone. The magic is back." Thanks Megan. Thanks everyone for being so supportive and good to me.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Are you a Pusher or a Waiter?
We have a butler door (swinging). Before we built this house my friend Ilene suggested it, because they loved theirs. It goes from the laundryroom to the kitchen. We love it because it makes it easier to bring in groceries. Our garage door goes through the laundry room. It also hides the laundry, because it is never open. The other day Kate brought up the question are you a pusher or a waiter. I had never thought about it. I assumed that everyone, when met with resistance from another person on the other side of the butler door, backed up and waited for the other person to come through. So, we had to ask each person what they do and I was surprised with who was what. You'd think I would be a pusher and Jeff would be a waiter, but not true. The Pushers are Jeff, Katelyn and Kyle. The waiters are Me, Annalisa and Kristen. What does it say about us. I'd like to know what you think you are.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Dream Husband
This is my cute Mom and Dad. They are still crazy about each other.
My brother Charlie,who is in Dental School, his wife Megan and Abby.
My brother Sam who lives in Calif, but not with my parents.
My sister Megan, Travis Ivy, Tommy and Susie
Thanksgiving DinnerMary and Megan
The losers of Capture the Flag. Actually they won the other two games.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Pomegranite Pie
I know you've never heard of it unless you know my Dad. His property has many pomegranate trees. Normally when we go to California in November we bring home a box of pomegranates. Since they were selling at Albertsons two for $7.00, I feel pretty lucky to have them. This year we just missed the season. My Dad had a few left, so every day we ate pomegranate pie. This is how you make it. You shuck the pomegranate seeds into a bucket of water, so you don't stain your clothes. You bake a pie crust. Mix pomegranates with strawberry glaze. Fill the shell and top with cool whip. At first you are surprised by the sour sweet flavor, but then you start to crave it. We ate it every day I was there. I won't taste it again until next Thanksgiving, unless I decided to pay $3.00 for one pomegranate. I think I'll wait.
My family
This is my cute Mom and Dad. They are still crazy about each other.
My brother Charlie,who is in Dental School, his wife Megan and Abby.
My brother Sam who lives in Calif, but not with my parents.
My sister Megan, Travis Ivy, Tommy and Susie
Thanksgiving Dinner
Mary and Megan
Saturday, November 29, 2008
My senior year in High School, I was sitting in my bedroom doing homework when I looked outside, and their was a raging fire at my Grandma and Grandpa Miller's house which was on our property near the barn. I called the fire department and ran out to help my grandparents who were walking toward our house. It was the wierdest thing. The wind was blowing so hard that their house, many trees and that side of the barn were burned in an instant. It had started by a little earthquake that had shaken the hot water heater loose. They were uninjured and ended up moving back to Utah. I remember digging through this huge pile of burnt items and salvaging some pictures. My Dad never rebuilt any buildings their. He decided to plant a forest of Eucalyptus trees instead. So, growing up they were just seedlings. My children have been the ones to benefit.
Every year Jeff and the kids get so excited to see what they will create in the forest. With wood and twine. It may be a platform, bench, or a jerry rigged zipline.Deciding is all part of the fun. While we were gone my Dad had the Scouts help him create a more solid zipline. That was definitely the hit. It was so fun. Even I tried to look cool doing it. I think I am just too old to look cool doing anything anymore. It was still fun.
The things they did decide to create were bows and arrows. We're into Robin Hood lately. They, including Jeff and Kate spent many hours with the bows and arrrow. Didn't I tell you my parents house was like the Garden of Eden, well I guess minus all the flowers and Adam and Eve. Sorry about so many pictures, but I just can't resist.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Farewell For Now!
Ok, now I have only been blogging for a few weeks, so why am I worried about leaving without telling. I know you can live without reading about me, but can I live without reading about you. We are going to a place called Dos Palos (Two Sticks). Try to say it with a hispanic accent. It is the place I grew up and the Garden of Eden thanks to my Mom planting, it's gotta be hundreds of trees. This remote little town of 4,000 people, I'm sure has the internet, but my parents can't get in on their property. It's really probably good, but as a result I will not be posting or reading your cute, entertaining, and funny posts. I will return on the 29th, and then scramble to get ready for Katelyn's 14th birthday on the 1st of December. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I am not going to quit, forget or lose interest in blogging at this time, no promises for the future. I am just plain gone and on an island of farm land in the middle of California hanging out with my parents, brothers Sam, Charlie and his wife Megan and baby Abby, and my sister Megan, her husband Travis and three kids. I hope a few neices and nephews show. I can't wait to be on a trip. Really I am so excited even though we are leaving at 2:00am Sat morning. The best part is talking to my husband for hours with abook on tape, movie, or whiny kids in the background. Jeff is an excellent companion on a trip and a blast to boot. Well, farewell and try not to say anything too funny without me.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Who Is This Katelyn Jones?
either be ballroom dancing with anyone near, or doing "Say,Say Oh Playmate"( You know the old clap, hand thing we did as a kid). As a sidenote everyone in our family including Jeff and excluding Kyle knows how to do "Say, Say Oh Playmate". Kate might be considered the champion, except when I win the title back occasionally. Another thing that you may not know is that I wrote a song about Katelyn. I plan to write song's about each of my kids in no particular order when it comes to me. This one is called "Brilliant," need I say more. It can be found on melonpatchmusic.com. I don't have a vocal recording yet, but the sheet music is there with the accompaniment. Katelyn is kind of a jack of all trades and enjoys a variety of activities. She really is an excellent oldest child. A long time ago, we ran into L.Tom Perry at a Pioneer day in Cokeville, Wy. He spoke to Katelyn and said "Now you know that whatever you do your younger siblings will be watching and think they can do." Or something like that. She really took it to heart as a 4 year old. She would have been that way anyway, but it's nice to get some encouragement. Katelyn is a crack up. She has always prided herself in being weird in a good way. With all her beauty and height she's got that personality shining through. I hope you get a glimpse someday, you won't regret it.
Quiet or Shy?
Monday, November 10, 2008
My Namesake
My Namesake.
When I was expecting my fourth girl we were playing the name game as usual and Jeff suggested my name. At first I felt a little weird, like "Are you sure?" He really wanted to, so when Kristen was born, Kristen Mary Jones was her name only she goes by Kristen. When I was born my first pictures referred to me as Kristen, which my parents don't remember. They claimed at one time that they always wanted Mary, but didn't want it to sound like Merry Christmas so Kristen Mary it was. They don't remember telling me this either. My whole life I secretly wanted to go by Kristen because Mary so common. As it goes, my whole life up until College I only met one other Mary and finally decided that I liked my name.
I want to tell you about the two Kristen Mary's by comparing our similarities. First of all we were both born on the 21st. I am in October and she is in February. We are both talkative according to Kyle. I know it is hard to believe , but I used to be shy. Kristen has never been shy. We are both dare devils. Before I had kids, I was pretty much game for anything. We are both prone to scrapes, cuts and scratches. If you could see my legs, you'd cry. On my mission an Elder said that my hands looked like I put them in a blender. I frequently cut my hands in the kitchen. I have accepted it. When we went to Disneyland last year Kristen got a carpet burn on her face while waiting to leave. Pictures are almost impossible because she's most prone to scratches on her face. Even in these pictures we had to use make up because she hit the pavement at school. A few months ago she fell in the window well and got the other scar on her forehead. We are both athletic and like to dance. My favorite way that we are alike is that we are both communicators. She loves to tell how she feels, which is nice because we all know what's going on. If you ever call our house, hope Kristen answers because she is so friendly and fun to talk to. She's a good girl, very fun and a great companion.
I want to tell you about the two Kristen Mary's by comparing our similarities. First of all we were both born on the 21st. I am in October and she is in February. We are both talkative according to Kyle. I know it is hard to believe , but I used to be shy. Kristen has never been shy. We are both dare devils. Before I had kids, I was pretty much game for anything. We are both prone to scrapes, cuts and scratches. If you could see my legs, you'd cry. On my mission an Elder said that my hands looked like I put them in a blender. I frequently cut my hands in the kitchen. I have accepted it. When we went to Disneyland last year Kristen got a carpet burn on her face while waiting to leave. Pictures are almost impossible because she's most prone to scratches on her face. Even in these pictures we had to use make up because she hit the pavement at school. A few months ago she fell in the window well and got the other scar on her forehead. We are both athletic and like to dance. My favorite way that we are alike is that we are both communicators. She loves to tell how she feels, which is nice because we all know what's going on. If you ever call our house, hope Kristen answers because she is so friendly and fun to talk to. She's a good girl, very fun and a great companion.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
What's in a Name?
Natalie has been one of my favorite names for years. It began when I was watching "Condorman," a goofy superhero movie that my siblings and I loved, with Michael Crawford before Phantom. The love interest was named Natalia. I loved that name ever since. It fits someone beautiful, smart and tough. I realized that Natalie sounded a little more American, so it became one of my favorites. I never really felt like it was the right name for my first three daughters. When my fourth daughter came along, I had decided that if she had brown hair, I'd name her Natalie. If she had blond she would be Emily. When she was born with a full head of blond hair and blue eyes, I just couldn't name her Emily. So, our beautiful, smart, tough sweety pie is named Natalie, Natalia, Natter Batter, Nat, Nalley.
She was my baby when I got sick and was meant for that time. Many people took care of her and commented on how unreal she acted for a baby. She really didn't make a peep and was so content and happy. She was a charmer as a baby. She still definitely has charm and wit. She is funny, fun and has a sweet smile. I don't remember her ever wanting to be a princess. She insists on being cute and not pretty. The beads on her sleeves were her idea. It is necklaces wrapped around her wrists. She knows how she wants to look and we try not to argue. This picture is not a choice in the poll because it is too blurry when enlarged.

She was my baby when I got sick and was meant for that time. Many people took care of her and commented on how unreal she acted for a baby. She really didn't make a peep and was so content and happy. She was a charmer as a baby. She still definitely has charm and wit. She is funny, fun and has a sweet smile. I don't remember her ever wanting to be a princess. She insists on being cute and not pretty. The beads on her sleeves were her idea. It is necklaces wrapped around her wrists. She knows how she wants to look and we try not to argue. This picture is not a choice in the poll because it is too blurry when enlarged.
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