Thursday, November 13, 2008

Who Is This Katelyn Jones?

Now I have known Katelyn for a long time and she really hasn't changed much. Yes she is 5'8"(recently measured) and she looks like a 16 year old. When she's not smiling she can even look intimidating, especially when she is at the net getting ready to spike the volleyball, but inside she is still that fun, creative, goofball kid that makes life better no matter how bad it gets. Many people benifit from Katelyn. Even if you don't realize it, you get more opportunities just because she's around thinking of stuff. By the way, for those of you who don't know, she is only 13, and an 8th grader. Her whole life she has been treated like an older person, hence she is a mature conversationalist for her age. She was also born with insight, even as a two year old. Whenever she is just hanging around with nothing to do or waiting for something, she will
either be ballroom dancing with anyone near, or doing "Say,Say Oh Playmate"( You know the old clap, hand thing we did as a kid). As a sidenote everyone in our family including Jeff and excluding Kyle knows how to do "Say, Say Oh Playmate". Kate might be considered the champion, except when I win the title back occasionally. Another thing that you may not know is that I wrote a song about Katelyn. I plan to write song's about each of my kids in no particular order when it comes to me. This one is called "Brilliant," need I say more. It can be found on I don't have a vocal recording yet, but the sheet music is there with the accompaniment. Katelyn is kind of a jack of all trades and enjoys a variety of activities. She really is an excellent oldest child. A long time ago, we ran into L.Tom Perry at a Pioneer day in Cokeville, Wy. He spoke to Katelyn and said "Now you know that whatever you do your younger siblings will be watching and think they can do." Or something like that. She really took it to heart as a 4 year old. She would have been that way anyway, but it's nice to get some encouragement. Katelyn is a crack up. She has always prided herself in being weird in a good way. With all her beauty and height she's got that personality shining through. I hope you get a glimpse someday, you won't regret it.                                                                                      


Sarah Katherine said...

Love these posts about your great kids!! You did an amazing job capturing their personalities in words and pictures. What a beautiful family! :)

Jenny said...

I second what Sarah said. We love your family!

Perfectly Imperfect said...

I love your kids - especially my babysitters!

Sherri said...

Hey Mary, I found your blog through Mary B's blog. It's nice to see that someone MY age blogs too! :) So fun to hear what you are all up too. Your kids are all so cute and talented like their parents! Send me your email address so I can invite you to my blog.

Heather said...

Mary Brunson's sister here. Just have to say that I love your cornbread recipe. Mary shared it with the fam. And it's way too funny that you guys all have the same names. Your family is darling! I love the photos. Blonde's really are super ~ said Mary's blonde sister. :)