Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Blogging Month- OLIVIA

Since this is national bloggers month. I am trying to write every day. I decided to spotlight each child. I also need some help choosing which picture is the cutest, to be framed as this year's picture.

Olivia can be described as a pincess (princess). No, she's a real pincess. You can call her Punzel (Rapunzel.) she wears a dress, a pretty flowing, fluffy dress every day rain or shine. She talks a lot, unintelligible many times and runs on her toes everywhere she goes. Today I was teaching her the name of an orange. She responded,"Orange." Then I pointed to myself and said "Mommy, " She repeated "Mommy." Then she pointed to herself and said," Alibby." She then pointed to me and said "Daddy!" Don't ask my why, but the girl cannot get it through her head that my name is not Daddy. Jeff is Daddy too. If she could explain, I'm sure she would say that parents should both be called Daddy and Grandparents should both be called Grammy, which is what Jeff's parents name is. It's easier. The one thing I love about a 2 year old is they always say thanks. Then when they turn 4 they forget how to. When she likes her food she says "Licious." They just say how they feel good or bad. She is a character and we love it.

These pole pictures were pure luck. She was playing peek-a-boo and I had the camera.


Picture (FOR FUN)
We tried and tried to get Olivia to stand still for a picture, but to no avail. Finally we had the kids chase her across the bridge and back. Then we'd take a couple of pictures.
Then we'd repeat the process. As they ran it looked so cute I just had to take a picture!



Jenny said...

I love that you are blogging!!!! Yeah, welcome to my world!

Wammack Family said...

Kids are so funny. I love the little quirks that they each have.

Taneil said...

I miss her! Does she still love me?? I love all the pictures!

Perfectly Imperfect said...

Well, Daddy, I would say that MY favorite picture is B. I don't know why, but that looks like Alibby to me. You know, it just isn't fair that some children are as rambunctious as they are cute! And she is VERY cute.

Mallory Stoker said...

Thanks for commenting on our blog! It was good to hear from you. Your children are so cute! I love looking at the pictures.