Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I was browsing through the reunion photos from this summer and came across these pictures that made me laugh then and now. It was bed time, and as you know kids get moved around when company comes because face it, they can sleep anywhere. Now Olivia's room is the best to give up because it has walls unlike the downstairs rooms and is near a bathroom. So Lisa slept there with Aiden. We set up Olivia in the living room. I forgot that she hasn't ever slept anywhere else as a toddler and might be possessive of her bed. At about 10:00pm Lisa called from Olivia's room, "Mary you've got to see this." I went into the bedroom and who is in bed with Lisa and Aiden. It's Olivia under the covers. We had a good laugh, but sadly this kept happening a few more times, except she kept hiding deeper and deeper under the covers, because if you can't see her then maybe Lisa or I won't notice.


Jenny said...

Such a cute little sneaky child!

Travis and Megan Liston said...

Very clever! She's so cute.