Friday, October 26, 2012

Eagle Project

Any mom who has a boy working on an Eagle Project understands how tricky it can be.  It's not just that you have to do it a certain way to get it accepted and fill out a lot of paperwork.  The easiest part is the work and gathering supplies, etc.  The hard part is getting a boy to call and ask people for help.  Using the phone is asking a lot.  Also, the Eagle project is really about leadership and you leading others in your project.
Kyle did this project right before he turned 15, so it was a really good experience for him to lead the older boys and the adults.  He loves football and he noticed that Tautphaus Park goal posts were old and rusty and in need of paint.  The Park was very interested in this project, but we needed to sand, clean and paint the posts.  He did ask for help and was happy to have it.



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