Friday, October 19, 2012

Date Night at the Bishop's

When Jeff was the Bishop, there was a shocking amount of not dating for fun with the youth.  It seemed that either kids would have a boyfriend or girlfriend and hang out or they'd maybe go to a school dance. The kids weren't getting any experience in casual dating.  So he invited the youth to get a date and come to our house. We provided a big group date.  Another thing we encouraged is for them to ask someone new each time. It turned out to be really fun and we had some kids that weren't in our ward offer to go if someone needed a date.  We also learned that for some kids, in particular, girls they had a hard time asking someone on a date.  So we had a list of girls and boys that we could set them up with.  
We kind of set up stations.  First they built a car out of legos and raced different people. They built a house out of cards.  they dressed up and took a picture. They decorated cookies and carved pumpkins.




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