Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Poor Man's Lazer Tag

Kyle and Anna have been checking Ebay for months because they are pooling their money to buy Laser tag guns and vests/equipment at an affordable price. But every time it gets close to closing time the bid runs too high.
So, instead Kyle came up with a great idea. Since we already had two Nerf dart guns, he used his money to buy more Nerf guns and Velcro darts. Then they put on shirts that the darts would stick to and Laser tag in the light it was. It actually worked even better outside because the wind was blowing and you could shoot it high enough that it would sail like a kite, kind of. So, now they want more darts and maybe vests that the Velcro can stick to better. These are pictures of the first battle.


Rachel said...

That's a really good idea. We'll have to try that.

Anonymous said...

I'll have to remember this idea.

Amberly said...

They are clever!!

Karen and Scott said...

That's fabulous! Tell Anna if she needs more $$$, I can always use more babysitting!! :-)

Jenny said...

Sound like fun...we'll have to bring our nerf guns this summer for a royal battle.