Friday, December 19, 2008

Mary's Expecting?

What am I expecting? A baby, July 23, 2009. I know it is shocking and exciting and crazy and enchanting. Did I just say enchanting? Well it will be after I am done feeling icky, yucky, and blah. I thought I'd start by answering a few commonly asked questions. Was it a surprise? A big yes. We thought we were done, but not positive. So, we are happy to say that this is a very pleasant surprise, like I said, as soon as I don't feel blah, blah blah.
Are we hoping for a boy? No. We don't even go there. The first thought I had when I found out, was the dread of Kyle hoping for a boy. One time he said that he was going to lock himself in his room for a long time. We discussed how stinky he would get, so he didn't do it. The next time we found out he was OK with having a girl, but asked if we could adopt a boy. He was serious. This time he asked me if we were going to find out what we were having. I said, "Kyle I find out for you." He said you don't have to find out if you don't want to." So I think he either has given up hope or he really doesn't care. I probably will find out anyway, but I am one of those people that loves a surprise. Either one is fine with us.
Am I looking thick? Yes probably 1 day after my pants got tight. I was like," This biking machine is really bulking up my thighs." That was before I knew. Now I have no clothes that fit. Well I do have this black turtleneck sweater that I wear to everything. It's not because it's my favorite. I also have a couple of fat jeans. You know what I mean. It's hard to invest in a wardrobe that is only lasting for 6 months. I guess I do have a good pair of sweats and some nice neighbors who didn't get rid if their maternity clothes.
Do, I have that glow? I couldn't say, I can only hope.
Do I still have my calling as Stake Camp Director? I'm not sure. Our stake split and we are in a new stake. So, I'm kind of released because I am in a newly formed stake with most of our old stake.
Am I boring now? Yes, pregnancy always makes me boring because I don't feel like doing anything for a while and I try to be fun, but "Hey, I'm old."
Have I gotten some great reactions? Yes. I have to admit this has been the most fun surprise that I have told as far as I can remember because most people thought I was done. And I used to brag about my age because I have lived and I know something now. Now I am not bragging about my age anymore because then people are like, " What are you doing?" Don't worry it will be OK. How old do you think I am? It's OK you can make a real guess. I won't be offended.
Thank you all for your great responses. We are feeling blessed. When I started this journey with Jeff 17years, 6 months, and 4 days ago, there was a time that I wasn't sure if I would have children. Then I was wondering if one child would be our family. So, for us to have 6 children and seven on the way is a miracle. Even though it's hard and frustrating sometimes I am so thankful to be a mother of such strong, excellent children. I hope I can be what they need and am thankful for the chance.
Megan Liston wins the prize for the best response. Right when I was gearing up for mixed reactions, she said as she is dancing around the room with excitement. "I'm always so sad when people say they are done because the magic is gone. The magic is back." Thanks Megan. Thanks everyone for being so supportive and good to me.


Jenny said...

Of course, you know I was surprised when you told me; but I have to be honest and say I can think of few homes I would rather see a sweet baby go to. What a blessing to be coming to your family. You know we love your family!!!

JulieJ said...

We are so happy for you. I never think I'm going to be normal again during the first tri, and then that magical moment happens when you feel better!

Anonymous said...

Your blog is so cute! You can totally call me to have the girls come play! P.S. Considering that I always cut people off at Walmart, I would consider myself a pusher, that door is cool!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I think its great. It really is hard to keep up with the Jones! I don't think I have ever been brave enough to have kids. Jesse was the only pregnancy that I didn't seriously panic as soon as I found out, and that's because I didn't know any better. :-) I would've loved to have a bigger family though. But my magic is gone cuz I always tell everyone I am done, I think. Good Luck and I hope you have great health and a healthy baby through it all! BTW Jesse still wants a brother that never goes away.

The Freed Family said...

Congratulations Mary! I am very excited for you. No matter how many children someone has, it is still so exciting each time. I love watching peoples families grow. So sorry you are feeling yucky. By the way, I love the long black turtleneck you wear.

Rachel said...

Congratulations Mary! That is so great! So exciting. I hope you get over your yucky feeling soon. I love you're family and am so excited to meet one more little Jones.

Joy said...

Mary I am so happy for you!! Is this why a few weeks ago you were not feeling so well? must have been. Looking forward to talking to you when we get home!!

Jill Jones said...

CONGRATULATIONS MARY!!!!!!That is SO exciting!!!! It really is magical every time, no matter how many. You're such a good mom! Oh and you just got rid of those baby girl clothes! That's what did it you know!

Nancy J said...

Congratulations! I've been sorting baby clothes today and it is so much fun to look at them again and remember how cute they were in them. There really is something magical and truly special about a baby. You truly are blessed.

Tessa Egan said...

Congratulations Mary! I am so excited for you to have another beautiful baby!

The Stokers said...

This is Laurie's daughter if you didn't know. I am getting alot of cousins now days. :)

Christiejo said...

I am so excited for you!! What a fun surprise. You are such a great mom and have such great kids. Someday, I might be where you are...we'll see, but you can tell Megan that we still have the magic but we're not done yet! We just take one at a time. I hope you start feeling better. That first part is always the worst.

Perfectly Imperfect said...

I would say - REALLY? CONGRATULATIONS!!! But, guess what? I already knew. So Ha. I think you should have at least 10 more. You are a good mom.