Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Dance

Kyle was asked to the Sweetheart Dance.  He was given  a box of Swedish Fish. "Out of all the fish in the sea will you go to sweethearts with me."  or something like that.  So we gave Kyle all of these ideas to answer connected with fish.  He had his own idea.  He got some feeder fish in a bag of water and told Alli that odd was no and even was yes.  When he bought the fish he watched her count the fish and there were 20(even).  So when he came home with the fish, I mentioned that maybe he should count them to be sure.  He didn't think it was necessary.  So he delivered his answer and that was that.  Well at school the next day Alli's  friend said, "Kyle there were 21(odd)fish." Kyle, felt sooo bad.  He searched high and low until he found a big chocolate fish and left a note that said, "Sorry, I can't count. This makes 22(even).  

For the day date, they went bowling where they drew to see how they would bowl.

We did have to do a little shopping.  I have never thought to put black with black, but according to my children it is OK.  We were trying to match with the red and black dress.

Look at that cute guy!  Do I sound like a mom or what?

The boutonniere is always a challenge.  Should I take a class on this so that I will know what to tell them?


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