Monday, July 13, 2009

June Fun!

I am so behind, but right after we returned home from Martin's Cove we had visitors from Texas. My brother Charlie, his wife Meg and baby Abby came to visit on a break from school. They just moved from Pittsburgh to Texas to do an intern/ Oral surgery school. We loved having them. Then found out that Utah cousins were in town, so played with them too. Just a good old fashioned game of kick ball.

 Charlie being a good sport.

The Teams

Meg and cute Abby

  We also enjoyed coach pitch softball. This is the first official sport that Kristen has done. She played pretty well for a beginner, and had great coaches, Tammy M. and Linda B. She really loved it and we did too.

Get in postition.  Swing.  Run!

Heidi Jo also graced us with her presence. She took her vacation and came to be with us. We had a blast and trained Spidey (Brandon) on handling snakes. They would have returned home with a snake, but it got away. Brandon is serious about being Spiderman. Brandon is a crack up, just like Heidi Jo.


Kim said...

Sounds like fun! We had Charlie stay with us while he was doing interviews in Atlanta. It was fun to hang out with him and get to know him better. It's only been like 30 years since I've seen him. What fun to have so much family for a visit!

anna said...

that pretty much sums it up we have had a busy but fun summer

Travis and Megan Liston said...

Lucky you!! So when are you coming to my house? Don't you want me to blog about my sister Mary and her family visiting us? If you visit us in the summer, you'll want to move here. That's right! I can maybe get some of the cast members from Twilight to have a reunion at one of their old stomping grounds for you. I'm so pathetic:) -Megan

Rebecca said...

I cannot believe how fast your kids are growing up! You are such a cute family and it looks like you have so much fun together!

Rachel said...

I'm so jealous that so many people have been able to go up and visit you guys. I had so much fun with you when we got to go up and stay. Kat and Erin said they had a great time.

Megan and Charlie Miller said...

That was so much fun! Thanks again for letting us stay with you! You are so great to let us come right after such a trip and then having a speaking assignment as well. You are amazing!! We love and miss you guys

Perfectly Imperfect said...

HOORAY FOR SUMMER!!! It looks like you have been milking all the fun you can from it! I'm glad you have been able to play with family so much. Enjoy - it's coming to an end ALL TO QUICKLY!